
Brain May Trick You But the Body Is Honest | BGI Insight



Everyone talks about self-care, but few understand that it's about overcoming the brain’s tricks. Our mind, aiming to reduce workload, often take shortcuts leading to cognitive biases. As International Self-Care Day on July 24 approaches, let’s delve into practicing self-care by outsmarting our brains, paying attention to our bodies, and mastering our own health.

Understanding the Brain’s Tricks

Our brains can subtly distort our perceptions and judgments to enhance efficiency and survival. Recognizing these cognitive quirks helps us examine biases, question perceptions, and work towards more accurate thinking.

Take the difference between tiredness and laziness, for instance. Many people believe they are tired when they are simply lazy. Tiredness is when your body needs a break, and a short nap can help. Laziness, on the other hand, is a lack of motivation or drive, indicating the need for exercise and activity.

Set up Weekly Activity Goals

One way to counter the cognitive biases is by engaging the body first. Regular exercise boosts mood, energy levels, and sleep quality while preventing serious diseases, including cancer. Research in Frontiers shows that physical activity positively influences cytokines and antitumor immunity. The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per week. So, set your smartwatch to 150 minutes a week and complete your daily activity goals!

Work Not From Home


When overwhelmed with work, our brains can struggle to separate work from unwinding. Setting boundaries can help manage stress and improve concentration. Try working in places other than home, like a coffee shop. This separation helps your brain distinguish between work and relaxation modes, combating the laziness of switching contexts.

Start with small changes, like setting specific work hours and sticking to them. Serena Williams, one of the greatest tennis players of all time, emphasizes the importance of boundaries. According to Prevention Magazine, Williams advises, “Don’t send emails at 11p.m. You will burn out.”

Concentrate on Relaxing


While focusing at work is crucial, so is focusing on resting. Meditation, for instance, helps you concentrate on your breathing and the present moment. This practice can enhance mental focus and clarity.

Multiple studies indicate that meditation positively impacts mental health. Mindfulness meditation, as effective as medication for treating anxiety, significantly reduces anxiety symptoms without side effects, according to a study in JAMA Psychiatry. Incorporate a 15-minute meditation session into your lunch break by following a YouTube video.

Listen to Your Body’s Signals


Your body often signals when something is wrong. Symptoms like unexplained fatigue, persistent pain, or sudden weight changes should not be ignored, as they could indicate serious health issues, including cancer.

Early screening tests can prevent 30-50% of cancers through early diagnosis, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Annual check-ups for blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, along with early screening tests like the COLOTECT™ stool sample DNA test, can help detect potential health issues early.

For this year’s International Self-Care Day, start small and make gradual improvements. Be more active than last year, include early screening tests in your annual health check, set clear work-life boundaries, meditate regularly, and talk to friends and family when you're feeling off.

Self-care isn’t just a “should do”; it’s about learning to prioritize yourself and incorporating these practices into your daily routine. Let's start doing it smartly and consistently. Your brain might play tricks, but your body’s honesty will guide you towards a healthier, happier life.

About BGI Genomics

BGI Genomics, headquartered in Shenzhen, China, is the world's leading integrated solutions provider of precision medicine. Our services cover more than 100 countries and regions, involving more than 3,000 medical institutions. In July 2017, as a subsidiary of BGI Group, BGI Genomics (300676.SZ) was officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.