BGI offers 60% Off for Metagenomic Sequencing Services
BGI has been providing world-class metagenomic sequencing services for more than 10 years. We have processed over 96,000 samples from partners across the world on our own DNBSEQTM technology platforms and have published more than 70 papers in the world's leading journals.
For a limited time, we are offering 60% off for our metagenomic sequencing services, including both library construction and sequencing:
US$69 for 5Gb clean data
US$99 for 10Gb clean data
Key Terms and Conditions:
- This promotion can not be accumulated with any other offer.
- The promotion terms are only eligible for contracts signed before June 30th, 2022.
- This promotion includes library construction and sequencing.
- Sequencing performed on DNBSEQTM, PE150.
-This promotion is for metagenomic sequencing 5Gb and 10Gb packages only.
- Additional terms may apply, contact us for details.
Contact us or visit our promo page for more details!