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    SENTIS Cancer + Discovery Panel

    For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


    BGI is dedicated to utilizing genomics in order to advance precision medicine for cancer. BGI’s Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) package offers a variety of options for laboratories in need, including targeted panels that analyze genes directly linked to specific cancers by well-documented scientific research, and also much larger cancer panels designed for cancer analysis and discovery.

    BGI’s SENTIS™ Cancer+ Discovery Panel provides your labs with one of the market’s most comprehensive and accurate NGS-based testing solution for the identification of actionable somatic and germline mutations and the discovery of novel variants with important functions in cancer. The panel offers exon coverage of 688 cancer-related genes and interrogates the most common types of alterations, including SNVs, indels, CNVs and fusions in solid tumors.

    Laboratory Workflow Solution

    We enable customer‘s end-to-end testing of various sample types with the following proven products/platforms (RUO in US and Canada).

    *The automation and sequencing instruments are supplied by Complete Genomics directly.



    - Includes genes associated with both sporadic and hereditary cancers

    - Provides interpretation on the therapeutic relevance in 300+ drugs

    - Includes 425 genes in cancer-related pathways for discovery of novel pathogenic variants


    - SENTIS™ Cancer+Discovery (Tissue): matches a variety of tumor sample types, including fresh/frozen tumor tissue, biopsy, FFPE, and tumor DNA

    - SENTIS™ Cancer+Discovery (ctDNA) : peripheral blood (separated plasma and formed elements) or peripheral blood collected in Streck Cell-Free DNA BCT tube (Coming soon)


    - Tissue: Panel standard sequencing coverage ≥900X

    - ctDNA: Panel standard sequencing coverage ≥3000X (Coming soon

    Download SENTIS Cancer + Discovery Panel Flyer

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