
ICG-19-THA Unveils Breakthroughs in Genomics and Longevity Innovations


The 19th International Conference on Genomics (ICG-19-THA) held at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok on May 18-19th was a resounding success.

The event attracted worldwide genomic experts and scholars. It featured traditional academic sessions and an intriguing new forum on "Transformation and Application in Longevity." Key topics included the role of genetic technology in healthy aging and its impacts on global economies, social structures, and ethical regulations.

Debates provided food for thought on longevity and cancer genomics, keynote speeches from renowned experts, and fostered how to advance research and international cooperation.

During the opening ceremony, speeches were delivered by guests like Supamas Isarabhakdi, Minister of Higher Education, Science Research and Innovation of Thailand, Dr. Yang Huanming from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fred Dubee, Co-chair of the ICG International Advisory Board and former Senior Counselor of the United Nations Secretariat.

Their remarks highlighted the crucial role of genomics in health and research. Participants expressed their consensus and determination to strengthen international cooperation and exchange in the field of genomics. Subsequently, the event proceeded with a group photo session and a tour of the exhibition area, where attendees engaged in lively interactions, adding vibrancy and anticipation.


His Excellency Supamas Isarabhakdi, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation of Thailand, delivered an opening speech

On May 18, the conference covered various topics, including Rare Diseases, Cancer Genomics, and Traditional Medicine, with the purpose of advancing understanding and promoting research in these areas.

Leading global scientists, medical experts, and industry leaders attended and delivered keynote speeches, sharing findings and experiences on the aforementioned topics.

On conference day two, the session focused on "Transformation and Application in Longevity,"  with lectures such as "Programming and Reprogramming of Aging," delivered by Professor Liu Guanghui from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor Liu Guanghui delivering his keynote speech

Experts from various fields presented intuitive experimental data and illustrations to analyze the truth about aging. They covered not only the rate and peak ages of aging but also provided a deeper analysis from the perspectives of cells and DNA. The attendees engaged in academic exchanges and discussions, contributing to innovations in the medical field and advancing the potential and possibilities of the longevity economy.


Founding Director of Stanford Translational Research and Applied Medicine Center Professor Dean Felsher delivering his keynote speech

On the afternoon of May 19, the scheduled roundtable forum led to a lively debate revolving around three main topics:

  • What are the most promising current areas of research in longevity science, and how close are we to translating these findings into tangible therapies or interventions that could significantly extend human health span and lifespan?
  • What are the major challenges and barriers to translating longevity research from the lab to clinical applications, and how can we effectively address these hurdles (e.g., funding, regulatory approval, public perception, etc.)?
  • In recent years, Asia has emerged as a prominent player in the longevity movement. What factors have contributed to Asia's growing role in investing in longevity technology? How does Asia's involvement shape the global landscape of longevity innovation?


Managing Director of Hong Kong Longevity Medical Centre Dr. Huang Yuan during her “Transformation and Application in Longevity” roundtable speech

At the end of the conference, BGI Group Co-Founder Dr. Yang Huanming and BGI Genomics Vice President Dr. Li Ning delivered closing remarks.

They thanked all the speakers for attending, sharing their findings and data-based insights, and exchanging innovative ideas.


BGI Genomics Vice President Dr. Li Ning delivering conference closing remarks

The event showcased the power and allure of science, as well as the scientists' deep concern for the future of humanity. We look forward to seeing you at the next edition!

About BGI Genomics

BGI Genomics, headquartered in Shenzhen, China, is the world's leading integrated solutions provider of precision medicine. Our services cover more than 100 countries and regions, involving more than 3,000 medical institutions. In July 2017, as a subsidiary of BGI Group, BGI Genomics (300676.SZ) was officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.